Build A God
I’ve been doing some creative writing today and found myself playfully making a list of qualities that my preferred god would have.
The qualities I listed ended up being much more about the kind of Self I’d want to have. So gradually, it merged into that as an intention.
THEN… I went on a walk downtown and meditated on what I’d been writing about and took pictures that in some way resonated with it.
So without further ado, my DIY Self ideals and relevant photography:
it can communicate with me
judgment isn’t even a thing it can comprehend given all that is is beautiful when looked at completely
everyone’s got one; some channel through an inherited story, some are more intentional, unique and creative with theirs
it has the attitude of a healthy adult who doesn’t play games, is wise, and sincerely understands you and desires to encourage you to pursue your path even when you don’t feel like you can.
it knows it’s not real in the literal sense
it can be trusted
it isn’t concerned with cataloguing your experiences
it delivers results when in charge
it is not ignorant or irrational but it’s humble about its limitations
the line between you and it is very fuzzy
it doesn’t need you to remember any trick to connect with it and for it to do its job
it never gets sick of your mistakes
it doesn’t push too hard because it knows you have protective layers around your awareness
it is never in a hurry. it likes to enjoy… to linger
it wants to help me learn how to think things through incorporating data from my body
everything about me, it gets. i don’t have to explain anything to it.
its priority is never productivity nor perfection
it will never be appalled by who I am or what I do.