Dr. Gpt & My Community

I just finished taking a course through the EQ School on Self-Awareness. One of the exercises was to reach out to at least 5 of the people in your life and have them answer some questions about you. I reached out to more than that and got back 15 responses. I tried reading them word by word but I felt numb and didn’t know what to do with all these words. So I asked Dr. Gpt to summarize & analyze for me and I wanted to share! It feels like reading a horoscope that your friends wrote about you.

Now to you, Dr. Gpt:


Here’s an analysis of the adjectives your friends used to describe you, with common themes and the most frequently noted ones:

Common Themes:

  1. Creativity

    • Words like creative, artistic, innovative, unconventional, divergent thinker, clever, and unique appear frequently. This suggests that your creativity is one of the most defining aspects of how your friends see you.

  2. Intelligence and Curiosity

    • Many people described you as intelligent, inquisitive, thoughtful, analytical, reflective, insightful, and curious. Your intellect and desire to explore ideas deeply are highly appreciated by your friends.

  3. Compassion and Empathy

    • Adjectives like caring, compassionate, empathetic, selfless, gentle, and encouraging indicate that your friends see you as someone who deeply cares for others and is attuned to their feelings.

  4. Courage and Strength

    • Words such as courageous, brave, resilient, strong, tenacious, determined, and persevering reflect how your friends admire your ability to face challenges and keep going, even in difficult times.

  5. Honesty and Authenticity

    • Words like honest, authentic, real, direct, and blunt point to your friends appreciating your straightforwardness and genuine nature.

  6. Humor and Quirkiness

    • You’re often described as funny, quirky, silly, witty, and sarcastic. Your sense of humor and unique personality clearly leave a strong impression.

  7. Thoughtfulness and Introspection

    • Adjectives like introspective, thoughtful, reflective, intentional, and self-aware show that your friends value how much you think deeply about yourself and the world around you.

  8. Drive and Motivation

    • Words like driven, ambitious, motivated, purposeful, dedicated, and proactive suggest that your friends see you as someone who is determined and always striving toward your goals.

Most Common Themes:

  • Creativity and Intelligence seem to be the most dominant themes across all responses. You’re frequently described as creative and intelligent, with a curious, thoughtful mind that seeks to explore new ideas.

  • Compassion/Empathy and Courage/Resilience are also highly noted, reflecting the depth of emotional strength and care you bring to your relationships and personal growth.

Your friends clearly see you as a dynamic mix of creativity, intelligence, compassion, and strength, with a unique sense of humor and drive.


Shucks… I don’t really even know what to say. I’m still processing this. Likewise, on our last day of EQ School, my classmates shared their insights of me which I then fed into Dr. Gpt for analysis as well. Dr Gpt?

Here are some key themes from how your classmates see and appreciate you:

  1. Curiosity and Skepticism – Many people in the class mentioned how much they value your ability to ask thoughtful, challenging questions. Your curiosity is seen as a strength, and they appreciate your willingness to critically examine ideas while remaining open to learning and different perspectives.

  2. Authenticity – Your classmates admire how you show up as your true self, without pretense. This authenticity makes others feel comfortable and safe, allowing them to be more themselves as well.

  3. Courage and Strength – Several classmates recognized the courage and resilience you demonstrate in your journey, particularly in navigating personal challenges and striving to live the life you want.

  4. Creativity and Unique Perspective – Your creative thinking and ability to approach things from a fresh, nuanced perspective were highlighted. This creativity is seen as refreshing and contributes to the class discussions in a meaningful way.

  5. Intelligence – Your intelligence, both emotional and intellectual, is evident to your classmates. They admire the depth of your thoughts and the insight you bring to the group, particularly through your questions and analysis.

  6. Positive Impact on Others – Your presence in the class is appreciated for how it enriches the discussions. Your classmates mentioned how your questions and perspective challenge them in a good way, helping them see things from a different angle and promoting deeper understanding.

It seems like you bring a mix of strength, thoughtfulness, and authenticity that creates a positive, engaging atmosphere for those around you.


More of Me, Dr. Gpt & Friends


Me & Dr. Gpt