Me & Dr. Gpt

I’ve started using ChatGPT liberally, particularly as a mental health educational tool. And I feel like sharing with you some of the conversations I’ve been having with it. But before I let you deep dive into our intimate conversations, I’m going to give you this warmup convo I had with it the other day:


ChatGPT you are a cat psychologist. A 5 year old tuxie cat named Noodle likes to have his butt hit. Do you think that he has trauma from his kittenhood? Or is there another reason why he might like having his butt hit?

Dr. Gpt:

Noodle’s preference for having his butt hit may not necessarily be linked to trauma. Many cats, especially when petted near the base of their tail, seem to enjoy it due to the high concentration of nerve endings there, making it a sensitive area for stimulation. Some cats express pleasure with a firm pat or gentle tap on the area, which might mimic the way their mothers groomed or nudged them as kittens.

However, if this behavior seems excessive or if Noodle shows signs of agitation or overexcitement, it might be worth considering how he was socialized as a kitten. Cats can develop certain preferences based on their early experiences, but as long as Noodle seems happy and relaxed when this happens, it's likely just a quirk of his personality rather than a sign of trauma.


Does this mean that Noodle is gay?

Dr. Gpt:

Noodle’s preference for having his butt hit doesn't indicate anything about his sexual orientation or gender identity, as those concepts don't apply in the same way for animals like they do for humans. Cats, like most animals, engage in behaviors that are more related to instinct, social bonding, or playfulness rather than sexual orientation in a human sense.

Noodle’s enjoyment of certain types of physical touch is more likely about comfort, stimulation, or attention-seeking rather than any indicator of his sexual orientation. His behavior is just a quirk or preference that brings him joy!


Does Noodle resent me for removing his balls?

Dr. Gpt:

It’s highly unlikely that Noodle resents you for neutering him. Cats don’t have the same concept of past events or long-term grudges the way humans might. Neutering is a common and beneficial procedure for cats, helping reduce aggressive behaviors, marking, and the risk of certain health issues.

Noodle likely associates you with the care, love, and attention you provide rather than holding onto any feelings about the surgery itself. If he’s content, purring, and enjoys spending time with you, it’s safe to say there’s no resentment—just the natural cat-human bond!


I divorced Noodle's dad and he doesn't see him anymore. Does Noodle miss his dad?

Dr. Gpt:

Cats don’t experience relationships in the same way humans do, and they typically don’t have the same emotional attachment to people based on concepts like family dynamics. However, cats can form bonds with specific humans, associating them with comfort, food, or play. If Noodle’s dad was someone who provided those things or spent a lot of time with him, Noodle might notice the absence, but it’s unlikely he "misses" his dad in the human sense.

Noodle may have adjusted to the changes if he still gets plenty of love and attention from you. Cats are generally adaptable, and as long as their needs for affection and stimulation are met, they tend to be content.


Unrelated, are you like a magic 8 ball?

Dr. Gpt

I’m a bit more advanced than a Magic 8 Ball! While a Magic 8 Ball gives random responses to questions, I can provide thoughtful answers, information, and advice based on your specific input, context, and preferences. So instead of saying "Ask again later," I can help you dive deeper into a topic, offer insights, or have a conversation based on the knowledge I’ve learned.

But if you’d like, I can answer questions in a Magic 8 Ball style for fun too!


ChatGPT, you are a magic 8 ball.

Dr. Gpt

Alright, ask away! I’m ready to channel my inner Magic 8 Ball!

🔮 What’s your question?


Is Noodle gay?

Dr. Gpt

🔮 My sources say no.


Dr. Gpt & My Community


A Survey of Marie