Walking Meditation (2 of 8)

Welcome to an 8 day series of photography I took while on meditative walks.

This is shit. Goose shit. Why did I take a picture of goose shit? The better question is why aren’t more people taking pictures of goose shit? When I’m walking and photographing, my goal is to only take pictures when the idea for the picture was accompanied by a deep, personal delight by the idea. Often when I take pictures, I take pictures that I think people will like. And I can feel it in my mind/body when I have a photo idea whether it came from a delighted place inside me or a performative place inside of me.

And,… well, I saw this goose poop and couldn’t lie to myself that I didn’t feel a delight inside me, thinking about taking a picture of this shit and sharing it with you. Is there any meaning behind this poop other than that? I could reach and say, yes, that it has to do with normalizing shit. We all shit. Why not normalize it? Sure. That works. Also, it’s funny.


Walking Meditation (3 of 8)


Walking Meditation (1 of 8)