Walking Meditation (3 of 8)

Welcome to an 8 day series of photography I took while on meditative walks.

On my walk, I stopped to sit at a pavilion and look out at the pond. As I sat there, I allowed my senses to wander. Noticing noises, temperatures, air movement, smells. I began to notice the sound of a bird nearby. I wondered if I’d be able to visually locate it. Eventually I looked up and found this little sparrow in the beams of the pavilion roof (inside). I imagine they have a nest tucked up there and were a little concerned about what I was doing sitting right underneath them. I felt delight at my ability to sense and zoom in on the noise of the bird, to locate it, and then to piece together what I felt its perspective was. So I grabbed my camera and snapped a pic. It’s grainy as hell and I’m not a fan of that, but these pictures are a lot more about the story and the feeling in the moment. Good luck with the baby making, little Sparrow.


Walking Meditation (4 of 8)


Walking Meditation (2 of 8)